Thank you for your interest in EOC! Our mission is to provide individualized information, advisement, and support regarding high school equivalency, post-secondary education, and vocational training opportunities. We specialize in serving non-traditional students, adult learners, low-income individuals, and people from other backgrounds which are underrepresented in higher education.
Please complete the interest form below as thoroughly as possible and EOC staff will reach out to you to get started. You cannot save and restart this form.
If you have any questions, or would like to schedule an appointment before submitting this form, please email eoc@nnmc.edu or call (505) 747-2183.
The NNMC Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) is a TRIO Program, 100% funded by a grant from the US Department of Education under the Higher Education Act of 1965 Title IV, Part A, Subpart 2.
Personal Information
Do either of your parents have a four-year college degree (Bachelor's Degree)?
Educational Information
Are you interested in pursuing higher education?
What is your current educational level?
What is your educational goal?
Check box if you currently receive free or reduced price lunch at your high school
Please share a few words about yourself or how you feel that we can best support you:
Share a few words about yourself and your educational goals here:
Special Circumstances (please check all that apply)
I am active duty military
I am a spouse or child of active duty military
I stopped-out of my last educational program/school
I am/was a foster youth or Ward of Court
I am homeless or at-risk of being homeless